Oladapo Kayode Abiodun

Course Title: Database Design and Management

Course Code: CMP 309


Database design management is a three-credit course first semester. It is a compulsory course for all computer science, software engineering and cyber security in the department of physical and computer sciences who need to acquire the basic skills in the area of database design and management. This course focuses on information storage, retrieval, management, capturing and representation. It is a course where students will be exposed to Database management systems and basic concepts. The functions and components of DEMS’ file design. The use of database query language. In the process of completing the course, students are expected to go through the sections on the lecturer’s page and read each section carefully as well as participate in activities and evaluations. It is also important the students should open and read through all the links provided in each section by clicking on them. The students should also read the recommended textbooks and other materials.

Course Aim

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic knowledge of database design and management. This will entail a thorough idea of the application of database management systems which are important factors for computing professionals. This course offers the student the opportunity of the study of information storage, retrieval, capture and representation. A good knowledge of this course content will guide the student in the process of database design and management.

Course Outline

Information Storage and Retrieval, Information Management Application, Information Capture and Representation, Analysis and Indexing, Search, Retrieval, Information Privacy, Integrity, Scalability, Efficiency and Effectiveness. Database Management Systems, Review of Basic Concepts, Function and Components of DBMS, File Design and Access Path: Future Direction in DBMS, Use of Database query language

Course Objectives

After completing the course successfully, the student should be able to:

  1. Explain information storage and retrieval
  2. Explain the Information management application
  3. Explain Information capture and representation
  4. Discuss analysis and indexing
  5. Define the basic concepts of database, database design and database management
  6. List and explain the importance and features of databases
  7. Identify and explain the types and categories of databases
  8. Discuss the function and components of DBMS
  9. Explain the file design and access path
  10. Discuss the use of database query language
  11. Discuss the future direction of DBMS
  12. Conduct and carry out a research paper in relation to the course.


Information about the instructor

Main Course

Week 1: Introductory Class

Week 2: Information Storage and Retrieval

Click to access the Week Two Slide

Information Retrieval Process

Any information storage and retrieval system will have a complex series of operations before documentary information can be used:

  1. Information must be recorded in documents;
  2. Each document must be stored with others in some accessible place and its location known;
  3. Characteristic aspects of each document profile, and this must be recorded with others in the same file;
  4. The potential user must formulate some query or express some interest in terms of characteristics recorded about documents;
  5. This user profile must be compared with document profiles and the locations of matching documents identified;
  6. The documents must be located and presented to the user

Information Retrieval System


Week 3 - 4: Information Management Application

Week 5: Information Capture and Representation

Week 1: Week 9 - 12

Week 1: Week 13 - 16

Assignment Submission



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